10 Ways to make our Conversations Better

1. Don’t Multitask:
We should stay present at the moment without having any third thought in our mind. If we doing multitask at a time, neither of our work will be done perfectly. We will have to spend extra time and extra effort for the compensation of that.

2. Don’t pontificate:
Just don’t pretend that you know everything, even if you know that. If you will pontificate then the speaker in front of you, will not put their own points or understanding. You will never come to know what’s going inside their head.  

3. Use open ended question:
We should ask simple questions, not complex questions. We should ask questions so that we can know what they feel about that topic. We ourself should not say everything and for them left only to answer yes or no. This is totally wrong. We should just ask their opinion or anything else they want to say about that situation or conversations.

4. Go with the flow:
Many ideas or previous thoughts will come in our mind during the conversations. We should let them go. Otherwise we will lose the main content of the conversations. 

5. If you don’t know, say that you don’t know:
If you do not know any thing about the topic going in the conversation, just say that you don’t. Never feel shy to ask questions. If you will not ask or clear your doubts, you can not learn new things.

6. Don’t equate your experience with theirs:
Two different persons can not have same kind of good or bad experience. If we are equating our experience with the experience of the person standing in front of us, then they should feel low about themselves. They will think that we are telling ourselves superior than them.

7. Try not to repeat yourselves:
We should not repeat the same things again and again. It is said that if we are repating the one thing again and again, then the conversations will go out of the track, the listener will get bored, and thus the conversation will be over without any conclusion.

8. Stay out of the weeds:
We should stay focused on our conversations, we should not get distracted by any third elements. It affects our conclusion too. 

9. Listen:
Everyone should listen. Infact we should be a good listener. It is said that, “If we are listening, we are getting to know new things. But if we are only speaking we are repeating the things that we know, So we should listen carefully”. Only a good listener can be a good speaker. To explain clearly we have to understand things properly for which we have to listen attentively. 

10. Be Brief:
We should be brief in our conversations, if we are putting any point. We should not be minimalistic. We should deliver our words in such a way that, it should be clear enough to influence other person. For a better conclusion it is necessary that the person in front of us understand our point and clear their own thoughts.
